It’s behind us now; but some things remain unsaid.
But first: here’s a photo that Jim AB5JK made, testing out the panoramic feature on his camera phone (or phone camera?):

Panoramic image of the CARC shack during the CQ WPX RTTY contest, made by Jim AB5JK. Warning, click at your own risk: it’s HUGE!! Don’t blame me!
The unshaven, balding dude to the left is NOT the one who did all the work.
No, our mighty president did all the work, and what a magnificent job it was!! After a long day at work on Friday and a sleepless night on Sunday he simply told me “have to get more QSOs in the log“, and went back to the shack. With sleepy eyes and the help of about 2 gallons of strong coffee he pushed the total to 539 QSOs, good for 247,086 points. Absolutely fabulous!!
Thanks to all of that hard work Jason logged half a dozen new DXCC entities and several new states on various bands. Most of which have been confirmed via the Logbook of The World already. I wonder which award is going to be next: the basic DXCC, or the 5 band WAS?
We’re still missing a few states on 80 meters; but Jim AB5JK is working hard on that B-I-G 40/80 meters dipole so we should be able to work those missing states in no time at all!
And the DXCC totals you see above (58) are off by one; because we have one DXCC entity that was confirmed by a paper card. So the real total is 59. Only 41 left to go!
And yes, mister president: congratulations, you are now a confirmed contest addict! 😉