On Saturday 4th of April a few brave club members participated in the Texas State Parks on the Air event (slash contest) for the first time. The organizers refer to this as “an alternative for Field Day”. Most likely because Field Day around here is always held in brutally hot weather. But this year I can’t help but think that their statement is nothing but irony. Because it was windy, rainy, and downright COLD up in Kickapoo Caverns State Park!! Roger, we really could have used your RV. Come back soon! 😉
Despite the cold weather: there’s always fun to be had in amateur radio. Our mighty President Jason KF5EJX even stayed overnight, in his predator-proof tent. Listening to the drip-drip-drip of some much needed rain, and under an almost full moon. The park superintendent later said he heard some howling that night; but couldn’t locate the source.
We didn’t make a whole lot of contacts, restricting ourselves to 40 meters phone (because of all the other contests taking up the other bands); but we did have fun! Many relaxed QSOs, many of them with other parks; and a few with operators who were clearly new to contesting. And that is always rewarding!
KF5EJX, KU5Z and K5WW made a number of pictures for your enjoyment:

Coax running from KF5EJX’s truck to the tent to monitor 2 meters. Mighty Prez trying to hide from the camera! (zoom in!!!)

And this is after all the visitors left. We were too busy entertaining them while they were there; but as you can see they cleaned up nicely after the fantastic meal.
That’s all, folks! Here’s to hoping that the few who thought hunting for Easter eggs was more fun actually did have more fun 🙂
Thanks to the good folks at Kickapoo Caverns State Park for putting up with us!