Attending: Jim AB5JK and Erik K5WW.
We had the meeting at the club shack for a change. An underutilized building!
The treasurer reports no change since October. But that will soon change.
K5WW sold more “old” Yaesu equipment on eBay that James WW5XX donated a few weeks ago. That sale generated around $350, before some minor expenses, and provided none of the buyers get a bad case of buyer’s remorse. Final report will come in December.
The club’s mailing address was changed to K5WW’s mailing address. This will allow faster turnaround of QSL requests, and official documents to be received without being held at the hospital for weeks.
The hospital’s IT crew seems to have made some drastic changes to their security settings, making life at the shack (using all things internet related) quite hard for the past week or two. But during the meeting we found things have improved a bit; perhaps they’re ironing out some of the issues we found.
A few issues brought up: the Echolink node has been down for a couple of weeks. The hardware still “works”; but the software may be fried. Jim now has his hands on the unit and will investigate. If it turns out to be toast then he suggested replacing it with the newer and faster Raspberry Pi 3 based machine. Everybody was in favor.
Also: we need to get a microphone for the Kenwood VHF repeater. Jim may have one (or 2 or 3); but if not they’re cheap enough for us to afford.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 PM coyote time. Next meeting: December 27.