(edit: 2019, NOT 2016!)
The meeting was called to order as soon as everyone sat down.
Attending: Jim AB5JK, visitor Mr. Lorenzi and Erik K5WW.
After the traditional New Year’s toast by the President we got down to business.
The Treasurer reports having done the laundry, and that there is $1,200.05 in our sock after the purchase of the new repeater antenna (to-be-installed). The new total is $16 more, thanks to James WW5XX paying his dues early and a small donation.
Jim reports that the new Pi3s are almost ready and that Allstar and Echolink are now being hosted on a much faster cloud server, and that the new software and hardware combo sounds much better! For the time being visitors to our nodes will be redirected to Jim’s; but that will change soon.
K5WW sold the Icom IC-730 that Dave WA6YJW donated to the club a while ago. The net profit was a little over $105. That money will be spent on the repair of the Kenwood TS-2000 that had it’s RS-232 port damaged a few months ago. K5WW will be sending that one to Clif at AVVid this week.
The never-ending electrical noise at the shack has gotten worse in recent times. It’s become so bad and strong that it’s still possible to find the general location of the source to within one block; but due to the strength it’s now totally impossible to locate the origin. A number of calls to AEP in 2018 resulted in nothing so far. K5WW suggested purchasing an MFJ-5008 ultrasonic receiver to help pinpointing the source and to make AEP’s folks lives easier to get them to take action. That suggestion was approved and the hardware will be ordered.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:57 PM, after which Mr. Lorenzi got a tour of the KN5S shack.
Next meeting: February 26.