These are not actual minutes. No official business was conducted. Because, officially, we’re not in the business of conducting business 😉
The meeting was not called to order. Attending: Jason KF5EJX, David W5DUH, Jim AB5JK, Roger K0YY, Catherine KG5EDD and Ross KF5SOY.
There was a license exam test session! I’m not entirely sure if it was official; but…
Catherine Tull KG5EDD from Sabinal passed the General test:
Catherine KG5EDD/AG
And – just as impressive but for a different reason – Ross KF5SOY also passed the General exam:
The different reason, you ask? Ross traveled all the way from Brownsville to take the test! Yes, we are that popular, folks! 🙂
Congrats to both of you and do please come back for the Extra class license. If you can afford the gas, ouch!
The meeting was adjourned at …
Oh, wait. There was no meeting, officially, duh! 😉
(Is it just me or does the background in these pics make you too think that these pics were really mugshots taken at a correctional facility? Do we have an interior decorator in our membership???)