The meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM; because a few of the VIPs were a bit late.
Attending: Mary KU5Z, Cici AA5EK, Jim AB5JK, David W5DUH, Richard N5YPJ, Cathrine Tull, Jason KF5EJX and Erik K5WW.
Minutes of the June 2013 meeting were not read out loud but were approved by everyone; because they had been available on the club’s website for a month already. And everybody had read them, of course!
Treasurer AA5EK reports that the club’s bullet proof chest currently contains $698. That’s more than enough to buy a brand-new HF tribander. Oh, if only we could get a tower…
David W5DUH reports that the club repeater’s frequency has been assigned to the CARC, for this region; ensuring some protection from interference from other repeaters.
Non-licensed visitor Cathrine seems very eager to get her license! She had many questions, including about how repeaters work; and she got a great presentation by Jim AB5JK regarding that topic.
David W5DUH has found some more radio gear that is not being used; and suggests Erik K5WWÂ sell it on eBay to make some money for the club. (which I will do; after you find the DC cable for it, David!)
Our club station KS5TX now has all 50 states confirmed, thanks to an unexpected RTTY QSO with W3LL in Maryland, and a scheduled JT65 QSO with K0JV in South Dakota the same day. All 50 QSOs have been confirmed in the Logbook of The World system. Jason KF5EJX is going to pay for the award, he said. We didn’t even have to twist his arms or nothing. Now who’s going to pay for the frame and a nail to put it on the shack’s wall?
Mary KU5Z and Cici AA5EK were each presented with a certificate to thank them for their hard work making QSOs during the 2013 Field Day.
Oh, speaking of beam antennas: the club is getting a 55 foot crank-up tower, thanks to Uvalde Memorial Hospital! And lots of people had lots of ideas for lots of antennas – right away! Thank you, UMH!!! The tower should be delivered in about 6 weeks – stay tuned for more news.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM. And I still don’t know who paid for my coke…