January 2014 meeting minutes

(by Jason KF5EJX)

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.   In attendance were CiCi AA5EK, Jimi AB5JK, Jason KF5EJX, Roger K0YY, and our newest Member Marilyn KB0LJW.

The treasurer’s report: Cici reported that the club has $216 in the dues column and $254 in the general column to make a grand total of $470

Business (Old and New):

Jason KF5EJX has finished the inventory list for the club ham shack.  It is an impressive list.  Roger added that the list should have an as of date to the list to date it.  Jason says he would add that to the list.

The club set a date of March 22 for the open house at the club shack.  Plans are to have the shack up and running and to show off what we are capable of working in the different modes.  Also a presentation by Roger on exploring South Africa and Zimbabwe and a Dxpedition from Zimbabwe.

Also reviewed the welcome letter add made a few changes. Jason will be doing the editing and emailing the revised letter to the members for further review before printing.  Also a letter stuffing party is planned for mid-February to get the letters ready to be mailed but no date is set.

The rockous group called it a night a 8:20 PM.

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