September 2014 meeting minutes

The meeting was called to order at 19:05. Present: Richard N5YPJ, Jim AB5JK, Catherine Tull from Sabinal, Jason KF5EJX, David W5DUH and Erik K5WW.

Treasurer’s report: Jim reports that last month’s ending balance was $84.40. And that he couldn’t stand that, and that he donated $15.60 to bring the total up again to a 3 digit figure: $100. Thanks Jim!

The August minutes were read and approved.

Bad news: the Kettle Restaurant is closing on Sunday night. Forever! So we will have to look for a new place to meet. Jason suggested the old hospital building where we used to meet, years ago. Officially that building is called the “Education Conference Room”. That was voted on and approved. So y’all better bring your own plate from now on…

Jason announced that the CARC will be participating in both the CQWW RTTY contest (48 hours) and the Texas QSO party this weekend. That should be a load of fun, with the new antenna!

After receiving the first batch of QSL cards from the W5 QSL bureau K5WW requested $20 to send to the W5 QSL bureau manager, to keep him happy for the next year or so. Jason said he had already found a sponsor for that. Thank you, sponsor!

Questions: how do we raise some more money for the club, now that we are as good as broke? W5DUH mentioned a raffle for a gun, now that deer season is approaching. Nobody else had any good suggestions.

Now that the new beam is up our noise problem on the HF bands is worse. It was suggested we contact AEP to come and have a look at the light. And fix or replace the damn thing.

Antenna work: much more to come. With the beam in place and the VHF repeater antenna on top we have the chance to move the big G5RV wire to the back, and the HF vertical on the side (where it always has been); but put both much higher. K5WW suggested the 80 meter dipole be attached to the top of the tower, permanently. Working on it! Oh and wait: that 6 meter vertical is still begging to be installed as well…

The meeting was adjourned at 7:38 PM, after which Catherine g0t her chance to take the Technician test. And she passed!


Not the best picture after all. Cell phones…. My apologies, Catherine.


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  1. Pingback: Please welcome KG5EDD to the hobby | Coyote Amateur Radio Club

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