What you didn’t hear at the November (non-) meeting :-)

Tired of twisting the knobs on the Yaesu antenna rotator, Jason KF5EJX purchased an ERC-M rotator controller. It, in combination with a smart piece of software called PstRotator (license donated by K5WW), allows fully automatic control of the rotator (point and click!) from within logging software such as N1MM (+) Logger.

And, thinking it was high time we started doing some CW, K5WW donated a (used-with- several-10’s-of-thousands-of-QSOs-on-it-but-still-perfectly-working) K1EL Winkeyer.

Come and try all of that. Damnit. 🙂

Does anyone else have anything for our station? We still have 3 serial ports left! 😉

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3 Responses to What you didn’t hear at the November (non-) meeting :-)

  1. C. A. R. C. says:

    Or should that be “click and point”? 🙂

  2. James Hensarling says:

    My non-comment would be my amazement as to the Operators abilities to use all this software and still have time to make contacts. I can barely upload to LoTW. I cannot imagine how one uses a keyboard with a logging program, and also adds a CW Keyer and Paddle into the mix. Perhaps I can observe this operation taking place during the upcoming 10 Meter Contest. On a non-informational note, I was forced to use SSB to confirm W1AW Delaware. That makes two SSB contacts for me this year, with the first being KN5S 🙂

  3. C. A. R. C. says:

    Well, James, all of those little tools are designed to make everyone’s life a bit easier, at the shack, ours or years. I remember the days of paper logging in a different life on a different continent; but learned early on to embrace computer technology and all it has to offer. If you need help with that I am hereby offering my time.
    And yes, please stop by during the 10 Meter Contest. We’ll give you a good demonstration, so you can see how simple and quick things can be. The time to be on 10 meters is now; and we can always use an extra operator!

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