August 2015 meeting minutes

(Disclaimer: if you’ve never attended a meeting and don’t know us then a healthy sense of humor may be required to fully appreciate the minutes)

Attending: Charles KG5IHJ, Jason KF5EJX, Jim AB5JK, David W5DUH and Erik K5WW.

The meeting was called to order at about 7:05 PM CDT, after the lazy secretary arrived.

We started off by administering the General test to Charles. He passed the test; so now we have to call him “General Waller”. New callsign not known at this time, if he chose to get one.

Charlie Walker passed General

Oops, he did it again!

Items discussed after that: the meetings will be held at the same location, ie. the education room where we are housed now. The member list at the shack is in dire need of an update. The club’s equipment inventory list needs a few revisions, including the addition of the generator outside of the shack.

The treasurer’s report reports a zero Dollar change from last month. We’re broke 🙁

The president invited everyone to participate in the Texas QSO Party at the end of September; show up at the shack! (please?)

The meeting was adjourned at 8:17 PM CDT, after which we all went back to the usual disorderly conduct.

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