Minutes of the May 28, 2013 meeting.

The meeting was called to order at 19:08.

Attending: Cici AA5EK, Jim AB5JK, Erik K5WW, Enrique KE5QIS, Raul KE5QIT and Jason KF5EJX.

Membership dues were taken care of.

After selling some old radio equipment that the club wasn’t using K5WW was able to raise $440 for the new radio fund.

Jason mentioned that the hospital might be willing to pay for a new radio; but the decision is not 100 percent final yet.

We decided to have the next meeting on June 18 instead of June 25; just in case we need to make some last minute changes to or arrangements for Field Day.

The meeting was adjourned at 19:37, after which AB5JK, K5WW and KE5EJX went to inspect the Field Day site. And what a wonderful site it is!

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