Jason KF5EJX and his (t)rusty sidekick Erik K5WW were active in the TX QSO party from the club station this past weekend. KN5S was well-received and received well all over the USA – and in some other countries!
We made 251 QSOs in 34 states, 2 Canadian provinces and even one fella in the Slovak Republic for a total of 62,742 points:

TXQP 2013 score
Yes, I know, the screen image says “60,742”; but I manually added 2,000 bonus points because we logged 2 mobile (“rover”) stations in 5 or more counties, and 1 station in more than 10 different counties!
This was Texas size fun! Unfortunately Mother Nature didn’t seem to approve of what we were doing; and had to take us off the air for an hour or two. Rain, rain, and more rain!
But the Texas QSO Party is not the only contest we participated in! There also was the CQ WW RTTY contest; and of course we had to try our new callsign there too 🙂
We made 128 QSOs for a total of 30,132 points. No extra bonus points in this one:

CQWW RTTY 2013 score
U.S. states and Canadian provinces do count as score multipliers, though! Here’s what we accomplished:
And other countries (I should say “DXCC entities”) count as score multipliers too:
Big fun!!! Gotta do this again next year! 🙂
Thanks to the many visitors who stopped by to cheer us on!
You two guys ROCK!! Jason you are becoming qui the contester, keep it up!
Great job guys!!
Great fun and it and we got much needed rain.
Jason Shell