KN5S participated in the Makrothen RTTY Contest this past weekend. Big fun, even though part of the team felt like going on a fishing trip. 😉
This is a true DX contest, in that points are based on the number of miles (or kilometers in this case) between stations. Because of it the scores get phenomenal:
Yup, that’s almost a million points!
Thanks to this contest we added a few more DXCC entities to the logbook. And we’re getting really close to that most popular amateur radio award:
And a few more US states got logged and confirmed too:
We’re getting there! We still need a bit of help on 10 meters; but I’m sure December’s ARRL 10 Meter Contest will take care of that. And yes; some more activity on 80 meters would be great too.
Who’s ready for the JARTS WW RTTY Contest?? 🙂