March 2016 meeting minutes

Present: Jim AB5JK, Gary K5QOW and Erik K5WW. Absent: too many!

The meeting was called to order at 7:06 PM.

Minutes from the February 2016 were read and approved.

The report from the Treasurer: our sock still contains $926 (but that’s about to change).

K5WW reports that it’s time to renew our web hosting plan, and almost time to renew our domain name. Total cost is $123.51, and that will be good to continue the service for another 3 years. That expense was approved; and K5WW will keep things running.

The repeater is still off the air. By now the duplexers should have been returned; but we haven’t heard back from David W5DUH. He will need to be contacted to see if he and/or the duplexers are stuck in San Antonio.

Update on the powerline interference: K5WW was contacted by the AEP spokesman last week, who claimed that “our problems have been fixed!”. After checking it turns out that the noise in the alley we reported weeks ago has indeed disappeared. But there are still many other sources of interference around us, making HF communication all but impossible. The next site that needs to be reported is the road between Whataburger and Garner Field Road, where clearly lots of bad things are happening to the grid. This will be a very long project…

Next month: elections for club officers!

The meeting was adjourned at 7:52 PM.

For my Belgian relatives and friends (K5WW)

For my Belgian relatives and friends, on this sad day. (K5WW)

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