March 26, 2019 meeting minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM.

Attending: Jim AB5JK, Gary K5QOW, Doug KC5TRQ, Manuel Lorenzi and Erik K5WW.

The Treasurer crunched the numbers and reported $983.93 in the sock box.

K5WW reported that after 3 years with our current web host it’s time to renew our web hosting plan for the CARC website. Rather than renewing our plan with the current host for close to $400 for 3 years, it was decided to go with a new host for $117.95 for 3 years. K5WW will set it up and makes sure the transition goes as planned; and will be reimbursed. The motion was approved by all attendees. Jim added that in the future we can move our website to the web host he already uses for EchoLink and AllStar, at no extra cost.

News from the electrical noise front: the electric coop is willing to help us out; but can’t commit to a specific date yet. Reason given was that they’ve been dealing with lots of outages and damages due to bad weather, back in the home office area; and has to dedicate their finest to those tasks. More news later.

AB5JK mentioned that – once we get around to getting the repeater antenna changed and all other antenna related work is finished – he will configure an autopatch system on our repeater. We sure haven’t seen that in this part of the world in a long time; so that will be a very nice addition!

Next meeting: April 23, 2019 🙂

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