Gary Curry K5QOW, Silent Key

Gary K5QOW












Long time club member and friend Gary K5QOW passed away July 24, 2020. He was 77 years young. Many of  us will remember him for his big smile and amazing stories, his many visits to the club meetings – often accompanied by his XYL Carolyn – and certainly the fantastic Field Day held on their property in Reagan Wells way back when the Coyote Amateur Radio Club was still in its infancy. It was a super hot day; but Gary and Carolyn did all they could to keep everyone cool and hydrated so we could have fun!

Please make sure to read his radio biography on here. He updated it just a month before he passed away; it is as complete as it gets.

Also, there are many more photos of Gary (and his family) at various ages on the Rushing-Estes-Knowles Mortuary website, rolled into a video; click here. After that click on the video underneath the obituary.

I visited with Carolyn today; and she wanted me to let everyone know that she is doing OK.

Thanks for the good times, Gary!

(and thank you Jason KS5TX for letting me/us know)
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2 Responses to Gary Curry K5QOW, Silent Key

  1. Jason Shell says:

    We will be missed.

  2. Jason Shell says:

    That is supposed to be He will be missed.

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