Attending: KF5EJX, W5DUH, AB5JK and K5WW.
The meeting was not officially called to order because the fairly small gathering was behaving nicely already. But we got started at 7:09 PM CDT.
Our brand new treasurer reported no changes to the content of our vault.
President Jason KF5EJX (*) got a really great deal on a used server rack for our repeaters and controllers and everything in between. Spur of the moment thing; but at $60 he just couldn’t pass on it. He will be reimbursed; just because he spent hours to install everything and clean up after himself. Motion motioned, seconded and thirded, and approved.
Before the weekend we were notified by Norm Fusaro W3IZ (Assistant Manager, Membership & Volunteer Programs Department) that we are now officially an ARRL Affiliated Club. Thanks to everyone involved!
The TX QSO Party is coming up, and so is the CQ Magazine Worldwide RTTY contest. Things will be buzzing and humming at KN5S this weekend. Volunteers welcome! 🙂
The meeting was adjourned. After that we all went to admire Jason’s formidable job.
(*) for now.