The meeting was called to order at 19:14. Present were Richard N5YPJ, Carolyn (K5QOW’s better half), Gary K5QOW himself, Jason KF5EJX, Marylin KB0LJW, Roger K0YY, Erik K5WW and Jim AB5JK.
Our esteemed president KF5EJX reports that the cable and software to reprogram our repeater have been delivered. Jim AB5JK reports that he now knows who to contact to get the repeater’s duplexer retuned. That gentleman lives in the San Antonio area; and an appointment has yet to be set.
Jason KF5EJX mentions that he has called the ARRL regarding promotional materials for us to hand out at our March event. During that phone call he was referred to the ARRL online store; and he ordered 100 packets.
And Jason has been very busy! Last Saturday he started work bending a whole bunch of rebar for the club tower foundation, and mounted a telescopic mast to the back of the shack, that will support an 80/40 meter wire. A wire antenna that Jim AB5JK is going to make.
Erik K5WW dropped off a Diamond 6 meter vertical at the shack. It will be mounted permanently to the shack’s roof. And he donated a (donated to him) used CB band radio and antenna for the shack, which might come in handy during a real emergency.
We got a treasurer’s report from Jim AB5JK: the club dues fund is currently at $222, and the radio fund contains $254.
Also discussed were the (RTTY) contests for March. There’s the RTTY Sprint on the 9th, and the BARTG on March 15. Quite a few members were very interested in the unusual QSY rule for the Sprint!
K5QOW and his lovely XYL had to leave right after the meeting was adjourned; but the six members left behind folded 213 invitation letters, stuffed the envelopes, and slapped a stamp on each one of them. All of that in under 45 minutes. Those invitation letters will be on their way to neighborhood amateur radio operators tonight!
The meeting was adjourned, yes.