((My apologies for posting this update so very late; I’m having some PC issues…))
Attending: Richard N5YPJ, Matthew Jayce Ruiz, Jason KF5EJX, Jim AB5JK, Cici AA5EK, Mary KU5Z and Erik K5WW.
The meeting was called to order at 19:11.
Everyone received a now obsolete KS5TX QSL card, for sentimental reasons.
The minutes of the September meeting were read and approved at 19:20.
The treasurer, Cici AA5EK, reports that we currently have about $446 in our coffers. This after we – unknowingly – paid $350 to get the repeater taken down.
Several members voiced their concern regarding this payment, which happened without first consulting or a vote from the members. It was concluded that from now on, if money needs to be spent on something, we will vote on such matters to decide.
Along the same lines K5WW brought up the fact that the club has some equipment that was donated, sponsored and/or on loan; yet there is no list of “what belongs to who”, or what is being sponsored, and what was donated? Important things to consider and put on paper, if something were to happen to those donors/sponsors in the future. We could end up with absolutely nothing, if this is not taken care of quickly. President Jason KF5EJX said he’d take care of it soon.
That same President donated (put it in writing!) a Heil headset to the club station. Thanks! The club would have to buy the interfacing cable for the TS-590 and a foot switch. Those would cost about $40; and that expense was voted on and approved.
K5WW once again asked for ideas for a new QSL card design for our KN5S QSL cards. Members mentioned a photo of the Uvalde opera house, the “Welcome to Uvalde” sign, the Texas flag, blooming sage brush and/or bluebonnets or a combination of all of the above. K5WW volunteered to design the new card (once his PC is back at full speed).
The tower still hasn’t been installed. Jason KF5EJX asked for and received a few bids from local contractors to dig the hole, install the rebar, pour the concrete, etc. Only offer he got back was about $3,500 – a bit much at this time! – so one of these days we’re going to have a tower-digging party.
The meeting was adjourned at 20:06, after which we all went to the club shack to give our guest Matthew a tour.