April meeting

Is coming close.  It’s on the 28th. A Tuesday, yes!

The almighty President is throwing a party for his birthday; so make sure to be there!! 😉

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Can you say “cold”??

On Saturday 4th of April a few brave club members participated in the Texas State Parks on the Air event (slash contest) for the first time. The organizers refer to this as “an alternative for Field Day”. Most likely because Field Day around here is always held in brutally hot weather. But this year I can’t help but think that their statement is nothing but irony. Because it was windy, rainy, and downright COLD up in Kickapoo Caverns State Park!! Roger, we really could have used your RV. Come back soon! 😉

Despite the cold weather: there’s always fun to be had in amateur radio. Our mighty President Jason KF5EJX even stayed overnight, in his predator-proof tent. Listening to the drip-drip-drip of some much needed rain, and under an almost full moon. The park superintendent later said he heard some howling that night; but couldn’t locate the source.

We didn’t make a whole lot of contacts, restricting ourselves to 40 meters phone (because of all the other contests taking up the other bands); but we did have fun! Many relaxed QSOs, many of them with other parks; and a few with operators who were clearly new to contesting. And that is always rewarding!

KF5EJX, KU5Z and K5WW made a number of pictures for your enjoyment:



Somebody drinks too much Coke Zero…


Our wonderful antenna


The weather resistant tent


Coax running from KF5EJX’s truck to the tent to monitor 2 meters. Mighty Prez trying to hide from the camera! (zoom in!!!)


Another shot of the antenna, at 30 ft. Yes, those clouds were there all Friday and Saturday…


From a little further away. This is before all the visitors arrived.


And this is after all the visitors left. We were too busy entertaining them while they were there; but as you can see they cleaned up nicely after the fantastic meal.


KU5Z checking logs!


Amazing scenery!


The president, all by his lonesome


Making sure he got a good shot.


Our view of the world, this Saturday.


Actually, this would look good on a QSL card, right?


Blue stuff that makes people sneeze.


Unknown guest operator.


Going to the restroom!


But maybe he should have gone a bit earlier…


It’s as if there’s a bad owl staring at you, from behind that branch! 🙂


Alright. Let’s take this thing down!


Oh well. I’m the President. I can do this by myself!


Who got the coax stuck in the tree???? (hint: that guy right there)


Still having trouble with that???


Rope. Yummie!


That’s all, folks! Here’s to hoping that the few who thought hunting for Easter eggs was more fun actually did have more fun 🙂

Thanks to the good folks at Kickapoo Caverns State Park for putting up with us!

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The president is going night-night

He and a few thousand bats!


20150403_211048Have fun 😉

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March 24, 2015 meeting minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:11.

Attending: KF5EJX, AB5JK, K5WW, K5QOW and guest KD5MBH. Due to renovations in the hospital and our regular meeting place getting overrun by the board of directors we met at the club shack.

The February minutes were read and approved.

According to the treasurer we currently have $144 in the bank.

The Texas State Parks On The Air event is coming soon. We decided to keep it small, not expecting a huge crowd due to that weekend being Easter weekend. Single radio, single antenna, single laptop. But more than one operator!

Jason KF5EJX confessed that he got the club in a bit of trouble and that we  received an advisory card from an Official Observer, for operating the club station on 14.349 MHz USB in a contest a few weeks ago. That is indeed way too close to the band edge! He’s taking the blame, as it was he who made the QSO. The OO card will be posted on the wall at the operating station, as a reminder to everyone to check the frequency (twice!) before hitting that foot switch!

Other news from Jason: another ground rod was added, and all equipment inside the shack connected to it. As a result of that everything inside the shack seems to play well together, without the link system crashing.

The online club store has been reworked; it now has all kinds of merchandise with the “new” logo (which includes our call sign).

All of the equipment that WW5XX donated has been sold to the highest bidder and shipped. The net amount, while not exactly determined yet due to a few more expenses, will be quite impressive. With enough left over to get WW5XX a Thank You present, whether he likes it or not!

Jim AB5JK and Cici AA5EK have joined the ARRL again; and guest Henry KD5MBH joined the CARC and is already an ARRL member; meaning we can now file the papers to become and ARRL affiliated club. Thanks!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.

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Oh, the irony!

Oh, the irony...

Sorry folks, inside joke! 🙂

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Live long and prosper

So you got 3 guys who like RTTY. Who also like to do a bit of contesting now and then. OK, maybe a lot. And who happen to come together at the club shack, the day of the North American RTTY QSO Party. A contest in which participants’ names get exchanged.

Those same three guys also happen to be Star Trek fans! And they found out that Leonard Nimoy passed away just one day before the contest.

So, what do those 3 decide to do? Run the contest, in honor of and as a tribute to Mister Spock! Instead of picking one of the operators’ names we sent “Spock” (and our state, second part of the contest exchange) and thanked everyone not with the regular “TU” but with Mister Spock’s signature blessing “live long and prosper”:

RIP Leonard Nimoy, from the guys at KN5S

RIP Leonard Nimoy, from the guys at KN5S

And we weren’t the only ones with that same salute! Looks like there were at least half a dozen other stations, accordingto our log:

Spocks all over!

Spocks all over!

The reception, from the contesting community, to our little initiative was very positive. We got many comments after the QSO saying “I love it!” or “LLAP” (short for Live Long and Prosper) from other guys (and girls, yes ladies!). One guy sent us “may the force be with you”; but…. naaah, wrong show, buddy 😉

All in all very good fun! And our score is slightly better than last year:

2015 Feb NAQP RTTY Score

Many thanks to all who participated.  And safe travels on that final journey, Mr. Nimoy, on behalf of N5YPJ, KF5EJX and K5WW.

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Texas State Parks On The Air

The Coyote Amateur Radio Club will be participating in the Texas State Parks On the Air (TSPOTA) event, April 4, from 9 AM until 9 PM.

We will be located in Kickapoo Cavern State Park, located about 20 miles north of Brackettville. Easiest and safest way to get there, from either east or west, is to follow highway 90 to Brackettville; then head north on 674.

We have been issued a special callsign for the event: K5C, “Kickapoo Five Cavern”. Come join the fun!

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February 2015 meeting minutes

The meeting was called to order at 7:33 PM. It got delayed by the secretary (as always!).

Present: Angie Gomez, Richard N5YPJ, Marilyn KB0LJW, Roger K0YY, Jason KF5EJX, Jim AB5JK and Erik K5WW.

Plans for our participation in the Texas State Park On The Air event have changed a bit, though not much. Roger and Marilyn are returning to Denver about a month ahead of their original schedule, due to health concerns. More room for everyone else; but one heck of a CW operator less. But they’ll be back next year; and have generously paid their dues for the next term, plus a small donation. Thanks! 🙂

Our treasurer, through the voice of the vice president, reports no changes to our fortune: the same $112. That will change soon; because K5WW is selling some donated (by James WW5XX) equipment on eBay. But the net profit will be unknown until the last piece of equipment has been sold and shipped.

Jim AB5JK reports that there is still a minor (antenna-related) issue with the Allstar/Echolink project. He also reported that access to the Allstar network is now – and for the time being – on-demand only.

Part of the problem may be due to insufficient grounding at the shack. There have been other problems (RF in the shack); so that needs to be addressed soon, weather permitting (can we say that in TX??).

K5WW is working on getting the club affiliated with the ARRL. One of the requirements is that at least 51 percent of our club’s members are already ARRL members; but with only 7 of 14 members confirmed we are short by 1. Jim AB5JK said that he will renew his and AA5EK’s membership (with the ARRL), which will take care of that minor issue.

Plans have been made to participate in this weekend’s North American QSO Party (RTTY). With the big antenna (as opposed to last year) it should be smooth sailing. It’s a 12 hour contest, Saturday only (12 lunch until midnight), so show up if you dare! 😉

Please welcome new member Angie, who is currently studying to take the Technician exam and is going to take the test soon!

The meeting was adjourned at 8:36 PM. Afterwards we all went out and had lots of Gluhwein.

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2015 CQ WPX RTTY contest – woohoo!!

Roger K0YY, Jason KF5EJX and Erik K5WW participated in the 2015 edition of the CQ WPX RTTY contest February 14 and 15.

We managed to make QSOs with operators in 78 DXCC entities:



We had set a goal for 1,000 QSOs, and would have made that easily if it wasn’t for lack of time:

KN5S 2015 WPX RTTY claimed score

KN5S 2015 WPX RTTY claimed score

Stupid Valentine’s Day… 😉

But 972 QSOs is close enough!

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February meeting

The February meeting is on the 24. This is your invitation!

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