The meeting was called to order at 7:15 PM. Those same people were late again…
Attending: Mary KU5Z, Cici AA5EK, Jim AB5JK, David W5DUH, Richard N5YPJ, Cathrine Tull, Jason KF5EJX and Erik K5WW.
Erik K5WW brought the previously received WAS award to the meeting and delivered it to our club president Jason KF5EJX who’s going to hang it on the club’s wall. He also promised to keep it clean for the rest of his days!
The results of the August 2013 NAQP SSB were discussed. All of the participants had big fun, they made more QSOs than in 2012; and it was a good test of hardware and software, and training for the operators for the next one. The next contest we’re going to be active in will be the Texas QSO Party, at the end of September.
Erik K5WW sold a 2 meter FM radio with a little issue that was donated to the club by David W5DUH. A generous buyer on eBay paid a little over $100 for it, which came down to a little under $100 after eBay’s fees. K5WW added a few bucks and cents to make it an even $100.
Treasurer Cici AA5EK reports that the club’s treasure keeps growing: almost $700 before the last eBay sale, so now it’s close to $800. And everybody started dreaming about what to do with that fortune 🙂
The club’s VHF repeater is on the move. It will be moved to downtown; and at the same time its frequency pair and/or CTCSS tone may have to be changed as well. More on this later, after it’s been moved.
Jim AB5JK reported that his internet-linked system now also has a 2 meter input on 147.570 with a 162.2 Hz PL tone, in addition to the 70 cm input.
The big tower that the club is expecting has not been delivered yet. Bummer! 🙁
Three high-ranking club officials recently visited the Medina County Amateur Radio Club Corporation. Not sure what to think of that. They must be thinking of defecting. If they do we’ll hang’em high…
Cathrine said she wasn’t quite ready for the test yet. But we’ll get it done in September, I’m sure.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 PM, and as always we stood around in the parking lot for another 30 minutes!
The next meeting will be September 24. Consider this your invitation!