The meeting was called to order at 19:15.
Attending: Cici AA5EK, Jim AB5JK, Erik K5WW, Jason KF5EJX, Joe N5LLS, Wanda N5SXT, Mary KU5Z, Erik K5WW, Martin KF5IKN and Richard N5YPJ.
The big news: Joe and Wanda have sold their house and bought a yacht and an RV. They will be touring the world from now on, while they’re still young! 🙂 Good for them; but we will certainly miss them.
The other big news: the CARC is getting a brand new Kenwood TS-590S for the club station! It has been sponsored by the hospital (so much for K5WW’s hard work…), and has been ordered. It may be in town right on time for Field Day. If it’s not we’ll blame it on the club president for ordering it way too late 😉
Jason ordered 1,000 ft of LMR-400 coax, and Jim ordered 50 PL-259s and some barrel connectors. We’re going to need all of those at Field Day; because it sounds like we will have 4 radios on the air! We might have to rent a few more operators, though 😉
Field Day – you’re invited! It’s on June 22 and 23. We will be the ones with the K5T callsign! If you need help finding our Field Day location here’s that map again:
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See you there!